

  • 片名:辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]
  • 类型: 电影解说
  • 主演:Dan,Castellaneta,Nancy,Cartwright
  • 导演:Rob,Oliver
  • 年份:1990
  • 地区:美国
  • 热度:888
  • 收藏:165
  • 评分:7.0
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-07-05 01:07:02
  • 简介:  -SIMPSONS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE  After Bart's tattoo removal, Homer's failure as a department store Santa, and a bad day at the dog track, Christmas prospects look dim for the Simpsons. But Homer seizes the day and, with the help of Santa's Little Helper, blunders home with the best gift at all - something to share the family's love. And frighten prowlers. A holiday classic!!  -MR. PLOW  Homer opens a snow plow business only to have his best friend Barney open a rival outfit, with commercials by Linda Ronstadt. Homer sends Barney into an avalanche, then feels guilty and saves his life.  -MIRACLE ON EVERGREEN TERRACE  Bart inadvertently burns down the Simpsons' Christmas tree, and claims that burglars did it. The town opens its heart to the family, only to turn on them when the truth is discovered.  -GRIFT OF THE MAGI  Bart is confined to a wheelchair and Springfield Elementary must construct ramps accessible to him. To pay for the construction, a corporation takes over the school and uses the children to design the nest must-have Christmas toy.  -SHE OF LITTLE FAITH  Homer and BAart collaborate on a model rocket which destroys The First Church of Springfield. To raise money for repairs, the church sells advertising space, outraging Lisa - who becomes a Buddhist, with the help of guest star Richard Gere.
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首页 电影解说 辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]


《辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]》  -SIMPSONS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE  After Bart's tattoo removal, Homer's failure as a department store Santa, and a bad day at the dog track, Christmas prospects look dim for the Simpsons. But Homer seizes the day and, with the help of Santa's Little Helper, blunders home with the best gift at all - something to share the family's love. And frighten prowlers. A holiday classic!!  -MR. PLOW  Homer opens a snow plow business only to have his best friend Barney open a rival outfit, with commercials by Linda Ronstadt. Homer sends Barney into an avalanche, then feels guilty and saves his life.  -MIRACLE ON EVERGREEN TERRACE  Bart inadvertently burns down the Simpsons' Christmas tree, and claims that burglars did it. The town opens its heart to the family, only to turn on them when the truth is discovered.  -GRIFT OF THE MAGI  Bart is confined to a wheelchair and Springfield Elementary must construct ramps accessible to him. To pay for the construction, a corporation takes over the school and uses the children to design the nest must-have Christmas toy.  -SHE OF LITTLE FAITH  Homer and BAart collaborate on a model rocket which destroys The First Church of Springfield. To raise money for repairs, the church sells advertising space, outraging Lisa - who becomes a Buddhist, with the help of guest star Richard Gere.


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